File: /Users/paulross/dev/linux/linux-3.13/arch/x86/include/asm/atomic.h

Green shading in the line number column means the source is part of the translation unit, red means it is conditionally excluded. Highlighted line numbers link to the translation unit page. Highlighted macros link to the macro page.

       1: #ifndef _ASM_X86_ATOMIC_H
       2: #define _ASM_X86_ATOMIC_H
       4: #include <linux/compiler.h>
       5: #include <linux/types.h>
       6: #include <asm/processor.h>
       7: #include <asm/alternative.h>
       8: #include <asm/cmpxchg.h>
       9: #include <asm/rmwcc.h>
      11: /*
      12:  * Atomic operations that C can't guarantee us.  Useful for
      13:  * resource counting etc..
      14:  */
      16: #define ATOMIC_INIT(i)    { (i) }
      18: /**
      19:  * atomic_read - read atomic variable
      20:  * @v: pointer of type atomic_t
      21:  *
      22:  * Atomically reads the value of @v.
      23:  */
      24: static inline int atomic_read(const atomic_t *v)
      25: {
      26:     return (*(volatile int *)&(v)->counter);
      27: }
      29: /**
      30:  * atomic_set - set atomic variable
      31:  * @v: pointer of type atomic_t
      32:  * @i: required value
      33:  *
      34:  * Atomically sets the value of @v to @i.
      35:  */
      36: static inline void atomic_set(atomic_t *v, int i)
      37: {
      38:     v->counter = i;
      39: }
      41: /**
      42:  * atomic_add - add integer to atomic variable
      43:  * @i: integer value to add
      44:  * @v: pointer of type atomic_t
      45:  *
      46:  * Atomically adds @i to @v.
      47:  */
      48: static inline void atomic_add(int i, atomic_t *v)
      49: {
      50:     asm volatile(LOCK_PREFIX "addl %1,%0"
      51:              : "+m" (v->counter)
      52:              : "ir" (i));
      53: }
      55: /**
      56:  * atomic_sub - subtract integer from atomic variable
      57:  * @i: integer value to subtract
      58:  * @v: pointer of type atomic_t
      59:  *
      60:  * Atomically subtracts @i from @v.
      61:  */
      62: static inline void atomic_sub(int i, atomic_t *v)
      63: {
      64:     asm volatile(LOCK_PREFIX "subl %1,%0"
      65:              : "+m" (v->counter)
      66:              : "ir" (i));
      67: }
      69: /**
      70:  * atomic_sub_and_test - subtract value from variable and test result
      71:  * @i: integer value to subtract
      72:  * @v: pointer of type atomic_t
      73:  *
      74:  * Atomically subtracts @i from @v and returns
      75:  * true if the result is zero, or false for all
      76:  * other cases.
      77:  */
      78: static inline int atomic_sub_and_test(int i, atomic_t *v)
      79: {
      80:     GEN_BINARY_RMWcc(LOCK_PREFIX "subl", v->counter, "er", i, "%0", "e");
      81: }
      83: /**
      84:  * atomic_inc - increment atomic variable
      85:  * @v: pointer of type atomic_t
      86:  *
      87:  * Atomically increments @v by 1.
      88:  */
      89: static inline void atomic_inc(atomic_t *v)
      90: {
      91:     asm volatile(LOCK_PREFIX "incl %0"
      92:              : "+m" (v->counter));
      93: }
      95: /**
      96:  * atomic_dec - decrement atomic variable
      97:  * @v: pointer of type atomic_t
      98:  *
      99:  * Atomically decrements @v by 1.
     100:  */
     101: static inline void atomic_dec(atomic_t *v)
     102: {
     103:     asm volatile(LOCK_PREFIX "decl %0"
     104:              : "+m" (v->counter));
     105: }
     107: /**
     108:  * atomic_dec_and_test - decrement and test
     109:  * @v: pointer of type atomic_t
     110:  *
     111:  * Atomically decrements @v by 1 and
     112:  * returns true if the result is 0, or false for all other
     113:  * cases.
     114:  */
     115: static inline int atomic_dec_and_test(atomic_t *v)
     116: {
     117:     GEN_UNARY_RMWcc(LOCK_PREFIX "decl", v->counter, "%0", "e");
     118: }
     120: /**
     121:  * atomic_inc_and_test - increment and test
     122:  * @v: pointer of type atomic_t
     123:  *
     124:  * Atomically increments @v by 1
     125:  * and returns true if the result is zero, or false for all
     126:  * other cases.
     127:  */
     128: static inline int atomic_inc_and_test(atomic_t *v)
     129: {
     130:     GEN_UNARY_RMWcc(LOCK_PREFIX "incl", v->counter, "%0", "e");
     131: }
     133: /**
     134:  * atomic_add_negative - add and test if negative
     135:  * @i: integer value to add
     136:  * @v: pointer of type atomic_t
     137:  *
     138:  * Atomically adds @i to @v and returns true
     139:  * if the result is negative, or false when
     140:  * result is greater than or equal to zero.
     141:  */
     142: static inline int atomic_add_negative(int i, atomic_t *v)
     143: {
     144:     GEN_BINARY_RMWcc(LOCK_PREFIX "addl", v->counter, "er", i, "%0", "s");
     145: }
     147: /**
     148:  * atomic_add_return - add integer and return
     149:  * @i: integer value to add
     150:  * @v: pointer of type atomic_t
     151:  *
     152:  * Atomically adds @i to @v and returns @i + @v
     153:  */
     154: static inline int atomic_add_return(int i, atomic_t *v)
     155: {
     156:     return i + xadd(&v->counter, i);
     157: }
     159: /**
     160:  * atomic_sub_return - subtract integer and return
     161:  * @v: pointer of type atomic_t
     162:  * @i: integer value to subtract
     163:  *
     164:  * Atomically subtracts @i from @v and returns @v - @i
     165:  */
     166: static inline int atomic_sub_return(int i, atomic_t *v)
     167: {
     168:     return atomic_add_return(-i, v);
     169: }
     171: #define atomic_inc_return(v)  (atomic_add_return(1, v))
     172: #define atomic_dec_return(v)  (atomic_sub_return(1, v))
     174: static inline int atomic_cmpxchg(atomic_t *v, int old, int new)
     175: {
     176:     return cmpxchg(&v->counter, old, new);
     177: }
     179: static inline int atomic_xchg(atomic_t *v, int new)
     180: {
     181:     return xchg(&v->counter, new);
     182: }
     184: /**
     185:  * __atomic_add_unless - add unless the number is already a given value
     186:  * @v: pointer of type atomic_t
     187:  * @a: the amount to add to v...
     188:  * @u: ...unless v is equal to u.
     189:  *
     190:  * Atomically adds @a to @v, so long as @v was not already @u.
     191:  * Returns the old value of @v.
     192:  */
     193: static inline int __atomic_add_unless(atomic_t *v, int a, int u)
     194: {
     195:     int c, old;
     196:     c = atomic_read(v);
     197:     for (;;) {
     198:         if (unlikely(c == (u)))
     199:             break;
     200:         old = atomic_cmpxchg((v), c, c + (a));
     201:         if (likely(old == c))
     202:             break;
     203:         c = old;
     204:     }
     205:     return c;
     206: }
     208: /**
     209:  * atomic_inc_short - increment of a short integer
     210:  * @v: pointer to type int
     211:  *
     212:  * Atomically adds 1 to @v
     213:  * Returns the new value of @u
     214:  */
     215: static inline short int atomic_inc_short(short int *v)
     216: {
     217:     asm(LOCK_PREFIX "addw $1, %0" : "+m" (*v));
     218:     return *v;
     219: }
     221: #ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
     222: /**
     223:  * atomic_or_long - OR of two long integers
     224:  * @v1: pointer to type unsigned long
     225:  * @v2: pointer to type unsigned long
     226:  *
     227:  * Atomically ORs @v1 and @v2
     228:  * Returns the result of the OR
     229:  */
     230: static inline void atomic_or_long(unsigned long *v1, unsigned long v2)
     231: {
     232:     asm(LOCK_PREFIX "orq %1, %0" : "+m" (*v1) : "r" (v2));
     233: }
     234: #endif
     236: /* These are x86-specific, used by some header files */
     237: #define atomic_clear_mask(mask, addr)                \
     238:     asm volatile(LOCK_PREFIX "andl %0,%1"            \
     239:              : : "r" (~(mask)), "m" (*(addr)) : "memory")
     241: #define atomic_set_mask(mask, addr)                \
     242:     asm volatile(LOCK_PREFIX "orl %0,%1"            \
     243:              : : "r" ((unsigned)(mask)), "m" (*(addr))    \
     244:              : "memory")
     246: /* Atomic operations are already serializing on x86 */
     247: #define smp_mb__before_atomic_dec()    barrier()
     248: #define smp_mb__after_atomic_dec()    barrier()
     249: #define smp_mb__before_atomic_inc()    barrier()
     250: #define smp_mb__after_atomic_inc()    barrier()
     252: #ifdef CONFIG_X86_32
     253: # include <asm/atomic64_32.h>
     254: #else
     255: # include <asm/atomic64_64.h>
     256: #endif
     258: #endif /* _ASM_X86_ATOMIC_H */