File: /Users/paulross/dev/linux/linux-3.13/arch/x86/include/asm/desc_defs.h

Green shading in the line number column means the source is part of the translation unit, red means it is conditionally excluded. Highlighted line numbers link to the translation unit page. Highlighted macros link to the macro page.

       1: /* Written 2000 by Andi Kleen */
       2: #ifndef _ASM_X86_DESC_DEFS_H
       3: #define _ASM_X86_DESC_DEFS_H
       5: /*
       6:  * Segment descriptor structure definitions, usable from both x86_64 and i386
       7:  * archs.
       8:  */
      10: #ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
      12: #include <linux/types.h>
      14: /*
      15:  * FIXME: Accessing the desc_struct through its fields is more elegant,
      16:  * and should be the one valid thing to do. However, a lot of open code
      17:  * still touches the a and b accessors, and doing this allow us to do it
      18:  * incrementally. We keep the signature as a struct, rather than an union,
      19:  * so we can get rid of it transparently in the future -- glommer
      20:  */
      21: /* 8 byte segment descriptor */
      22: struct desc_struct {
      23:     union {
      24:         struct {
      25:             unsigned int a;
      26:             unsigned int b;
      27:         };
      28:         struct {
      29:             u16 limit0;
      30:             u16 base0;
      31:             unsigned base1: 8, type: 4, s: 1, dpl: 2, p: 1;
      32:             unsigned limit: 4, avl: 1, l: 1, d: 1, g: 1, base2: 8;
      33:         };
      34:     };
      35: } __attribute__((packed));
      37: #define GDT_ENTRY_INIT(flags, base, limit) { { { \
      38:         .a = ((limit) & 0xffff) | (((base) & 0xffff) << 16), \
      39:         .b = (((base) & 0xff0000) >> 16) | (((flags) & 0xf0ff) << 8) | \
      40:             ((limit) & 0xf0000) | ((base) & 0xff000000), \
      41:     } } }
      43: enum {
      44:     GATE_INTERRUPT = 0xE,
      45:     GATE_TRAP = 0xF,
      46:     GATE_CALL = 0xC,
      47:     GATE_TASK = 0x5,
      48: };
      50: /* 16byte gate */
      51: struct gate_struct64 {
      52:     u16 offset_low;
      53:     u16 segment;
      54:     unsigned ist : 3, zero0 : 5, type : 5, dpl : 2, p : 1;
      55:     u16 offset_middle;
      56:     u32 offset_high;
      57:     u32 zero1;
      58: } __attribute__((packed));
      60: #define PTR_LOW(x) ((unsigned long long)(x) & 0xFFFF)
      61: #define PTR_MIDDLE(x) (((unsigned long long)(x) >> 16) & 0xFFFF)
      62: #define PTR_HIGH(x) ((unsigned long long)(x) >> 32)
      64: enum {
      65:     DESC_TSS = 0x9,
      66:     DESC_LDT = 0x2,
      67:     DESCTYPE_S = 0x10,    /* !system */
      68: };
      70: /* LDT or TSS descriptor in the GDT. 16 bytes. */
      71: struct ldttss_desc64 {
      72:     u16 limit0;
      73:     u16 base0;
      74:     unsigned base1 : 8, type : 5, dpl : 2, p : 1;
      75:     unsigned limit1 : 4, zero0 : 3, g : 1, base2 : 8;
      76:     u32 base3;
      77:     u32 zero1;
      78: } __attribute__((packed));
      80: #ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
      81: typedef struct gate_struct64 gate_desc;
      82: typedef struct ldttss_desc64 ldt_desc;
      83: typedef struct ldttss_desc64 tss_desc;
      84: #define gate_offset(g) ((g).offset_low | ((unsigned long)(g).offset_middle << 16) | ((unsigned long)(g).offset_high << 32))
      85: #define gate_segment(g) ((g).segment)
      86: #else
      87: typedef struct desc_struct gate_desc;
      88: typedef struct desc_struct ldt_desc;
      89: typedef struct desc_struct tss_desc;
      90: #define gate_offset(g)        (((g).b & 0xffff0000) | ((g).a & 0x0000ffff))
      91: #define gate_segment(g)        ((g).a >> 16)
      92: #endif
      94: struct desc_ptr {
      95:     unsigned short size;
      96:     unsigned long address;
      97: } __attribute__((packed)) ;
      99: #endif /* !__ASSEMBLY__ */
     101: #endif /* _ASM_X86_DESC_DEFS_H */