File: /Users/paulross/dev/linux/linux-3.13/include/linux/list_bl.h

Green shading in the line number column means the source is part of the translation unit, red means it is conditionally excluded. Highlighted line numbers link to the translation unit page. Highlighted macros link to the macro page.

       1: #ifndef _LINUX_LIST_BL_H
       2: #define _LINUX_LIST_BL_H
       4: #include <linux/list.h>
       5: #include <linux/bit_spinlock.h>
       7: /*
       8:  * Special version of lists, where head of the list has a lock in the lowest
       9:  * bit. This is useful for scalable hash tables without increasing memory
      10:  * footprint overhead.
      11:  *
      12:  * For modification operations, the 0 bit of hlist_bl_head->first
      13:  * pointer must be set.
      14:  *
      15:  * With some small modifications, this can easily be adapted to store several
      16:  * arbitrary bits (not just a single lock bit), if the need arises to store
      17:  * some fast and compact auxiliary data.
      18:  */
      20: #if defined(CONFIG_SMP) || defined(CONFIG_DEBUG_SPINLOCK)
      21: #define LIST_BL_LOCKMASK    1UL
      22: #else
      23: #define LIST_BL_LOCKMASK    0UL
      24: #endif
      26: #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_LIST
      27: #define LIST_BL_BUG_ON(x) BUG_ON(x)
      28: #else
      29: #define LIST_BL_BUG_ON(x)
      30: #endif
      33: struct hlist_bl_head {
      34:     struct hlist_bl_node *first;
      35: };
      37: struct hlist_bl_node {
      38:     struct hlist_bl_node *next, **pprev;
      39: };
      40: #define INIT_HLIST_BL_HEAD(ptr) \
      41:     ((ptr)->first = NULL)
      43: static inline void INIT_HLIST_BL_NODE(struct hlist_bl_node *h)
      44: {
      45:     h->next = NULL;
      46:     h->pprev = NULL;
      47: }
      49: #define hlist_bl_entry(ptr, type, member) container_of(ptr,type,member)
      51: static inline int hlist_bl_unhashed(const struct hlist_bl_node *h)
      52: {
      53:     return !h->pprev;
      54: }
      56: static inline struct hlist_bl_node *hlist_bl_first(struct hlist_bl_head *h)
      57: {
      58:     return (struct hlist_bl_node *)
      59:         ((unsigned long)h->first & ~LIST_BL_LOCKMASK);
      60: }
      62: static inline void hlist_bl_set_first(struct hlist_bl_head *h,
      63:                     struct hlist_bl_node *n)
      64: {
      65:     LIST_BL_BUG_ON((unsigned long)n & LIST_BL_LOCKMASK);
      66:     LIST_BL_BUG_ON(((unsigned long)h->first & LIST_BL_LOCKMASK) !=
      67:                             LIST_BL_LOCKMASK);
      68:     h->first = (struct hlist_bl_node *)((unsigned long)n | LIST_BL_LOCKMASK);
      69: }
      71: static inline int hlist_bl_empty(const struct hlist_bl_head *h)
      72: {
      73:     return !((unsigned long)h->first & ~LIST_BL_LOCKMASK);
      74: }
      76: static inline void hlist_bl_add_head(struct hlist_bl_node *n,
      77:                     struct hlist_bl_head *h)
      78: {
      79:     struct hlist_bl_node *first = hlist_bl_first(h);
      81:     n->next = first;
      82:     if (first)
      83:         first->pprev = &n->next;
      84:     n->pprev = &h->first;
      85:     hlist_bl_set_first(h, n);
      86: }
      88: static inline void __hlist_bl_del(struct hlist_bl_node *n)
      89: {
      90:     struct hlist_bl_node *next = n->next;
      91:     struct hlist_bl_node **pprev = n->pprev;
      93:     LIST_BL_BUG_ON((unsigned long)n & LIST_BL_LOCKMASK);
      95:     /* pprev may be `first`, so be careful not to lose the lock bit */
      96:     *pprev = (struct hlist_bl_node *)
      97:             ((unsigned long)next |
      98:              ((unsigned long)*pprev & LIST_BL_LOCKMASK));
      99:     if (next)
     100:         next->pprev = pprev;
     101: }
     103: static inline void hlist_bl_del(struct hlist_bl_node *n)
     104: {
     105:     __hlist_bl_del(n);
     106:     n->next = LIST_POISON1;
     107:     n->pprev = LIST_POISON2;
     108: }
     110: static inline void hlist_bl_del_init(struct hlist_bl_node *n)
     111: {
     112:     if (!hlist_bl_unhashed(n)) {
     113:         __hlist_bl_del(n);
     114:         INIT_HLIST_BL_NODE(n);
     115:     }
     116: }
     118: static inline void hlist_bl_lock(struct hlist_bl_head *b)
     119: {
     120:     bit_spin_lock(0, (unsigned long *)b);
     121: }
     123: static inline void hlist_bl_unlock(struct hlist_bl_head *b)
     124: {
     125:     __bit_spin_unlock(0, (unsigned long *)b);
     126: }
     128: static inline bool hlist_bl_is_locked(struct hlist_bl_head *b)
     129: {
     130:     return bit_spin_is_locked(0, (unsigned long *)b);
     131: }
     133: /**
     134:  * hlist_bl_for_each_entry    - iterate over list of given type
     135:  * @tpos:    the type * to use as a loop cursor.
     136:  * @pos:    the &struct hlist_node to use as a loop cursor.
     137:  * @head:    the head for your list.
     138:  * @member:    the name of the hlist_node within the struct.
     139:  *
     140:  */
     141: #define hlist_bl_for_each_entry(tpos, pos, head, member)        \
     142:     for (pos = hlist_bl_first(head);                \
     143:          pos &&                            \
     144:         ({ tpos = hlist_bl_entry(pos, typeof(*tpos), member); 1;}); \
     145:          pos = pos->next)
     147: /**
     148:  * hlist_bl_for_each_entry_safe - iterate over list of given type safe against removal of list entry
     149:  * @tpos:    the type * to use as a loop cursor.
     150:  * @pos:    the &struct hlist_node to use as a loop cursor.
     151:  * @n:        another &struct hlist_node to use as temporary storage
     152:  * @head:    the head for your list.
     153:  * @member:    the name of the hlist_node within the struct.
     154:  */
     155: #define hlist_bl_for_each_entry_safe(tpos, pos, n, head, member)     \
     156:     for (pos = hlist_bl_first(head);                 \
     157:          pos && ({ n = pos->next; 1; }) &&                  \
     158:         ({ tpos = hlist_bl_entry(pos, typeof(*tpos), member); 1;}); \
     159:          pos = n)
     161: #endif