File: /Users/paulross/dev/Python-3.6.2/Include/memoryobject.h

Green shading in the line number column means the source is part of the translation unit, red means it is conditionally excluded. Highlighted line numbers link to the translation unit page. Highlighted macros link to the macro page.

       1: /* Memory view object. In Python this is available as "memoryview". */
       3: #ifndef Py_MEMORYOBJECT_H
       4: #define Py_MEMORYOBJECT_H
       5: #ifdef __cplusplus
       6: extern "C" {
       7: #endif
       9: #ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
      10: PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) _PyManagedBuffer_Type;
      11: #endif
      12: PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyMemoryView_Type;
      14: #define PyMemoryView_Check(op) (Py_TYPE(op) == &PyMemoryView_Type)
      16: #ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
      17: /* Get a pointer to the memoryview's private copy of the exporter's buffer. */
      18: #define PyMemoryView_GET_BUFFER(op) (&((PyMemoryViewObject *)(op))->view)
      19: /* Get a pointer to the exporting object (this may be NULL!). */
      20: #define PyMemoryView_GET_BASE(op) (((PyMemoryViewObject *)(op))->view.obj)
      21: #endif
      23: PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyMemoryView_FromObject(PyObject *base);
      24: #if !defined(Py_LIMITED_API) || Py_LIMITED_API+0 >= 0x03030000
      25: PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyMemoryView_FromMemory(char *mem, Py_ssize_t size,
      26:                                                int flags);
      27: #endif
      28: #ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
      29: PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyMemoryView_FromBuffer(Py_buffer *info);
      30: #endif
      31: PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyMemoryView_GetContiguous(PyObject *base,
      32:                                                   int buffertype,
      33:                                                   char order);
      36: /* The structs are declared here so that macros can work, but they shouldn't
      37:    be considered public. Don't access their fields directly, use the macros
      38:    and functions instead! */
      39: #ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
      40: #define _Py_MANAGED_BUFFER_RELEASED    0x001  /* access to exporter blocked */
      41: #define _Py_MANAGED_BUFFER_FREE_FORMAT 0x002  /* free format */
      42: typedef struct {
      43:     PyObject_HEAD
      44:     int flags;          /* state flags */
      45:     Py_ssize_t exports; /* number of direct memoryview exports */
      46:     Py_buffer master; /* snapshot buffer obtained from the original exporter */
      47: } _PyManagedBufferObject;
      50: /* memoryview state flags */
      51: #define _Py_MEMORYVIEW_RELEASED    0x001  /* access to master buffer blocked */
      52: #define _Py_MEMORYVIEW_C           0x002  /* C-contiguous layout */
      53: #define _Py_MEMORYVIEW_FORTRAN     0x004  /* Fortran contiguous layout */
      54: #define _Py_MEMORYVIEW_SCALAR      0x008  /* scalar: ndim = 0 */
      55: #define _Py_MEMORYVIEW_PIL         0x010  /* PIL-style layout */
      57: typedef struct {
      58:     PyObject_VAR_HEAD
      59:     _PyManagedBufferObject *mbuf; /* managed buffer */
      60:     Py_hash_t hash;               /* hash value for read-only views */
      61:     int flags;                    /* state flags */
      62:     Py_ssize_t exports;           /* number of buffer re-exports */
      63:     Py_buffer view;               /* private copy of the exporter's view */
      64:     PyObject *weakreflist;
      65:     Py_ssize_t ob_array[1];       /* shape, strides, suboffsets */
      66: } PyMemoryViewObject;
      67: #endif
      69: #ifdef __cplusplus
      70: }
      71: #endif
      72: #endif /* !Py_MEMORYOBJECT_H */