Command Line Tools

CPIP has a number of tools run from the command line that can analyse source code. The main one is On installation the command line tool cpipmain is created which just calls main() in

CPIPMain acts very much like a normal pre-processor but, instead of writing out a Translation Unit as test it emits a host of HTML and SVG pages about each file to be pre-processed. Here are Some Real Examples.


usage: [-h] [-c] [-d DUMP] [-g GLOB] [--heap] [-j JOBS] [-k]
                   [-l LOGLEVEL] [-o OUTPUT] [-p] [-r] [-t] [-G]
                   [-S PREDEFINES] [-C] [-D DEFINES] [-P PREINC] [-I INCUSR]
                   [-J INCSYS]
                   path - Preprocess the file or the files in a directory.
  Created by Paul Ross on 2011-07-10.
  Copyright 2008-2017. All rights reserved.
  Licensed under GPL 2.0

positional arguments:
  path                  Path to source file or directory.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c                    Add conditionally included files to the plots.
                        [default: False]
  -d DUMP, --dump DUMP  Dump output, additive. Can be: C - Conditional
                        compilation graph. F - File names encountered and
                        their count. I - Include graph. M - Macro environment.
                        T - Token count. R - Macro dependencies as an input to
                        DOT. [default: []]
  -g GLOB, --glob GLOB  Pattern match to use when processing directories.
                        [default: *.*]
  --heap                Profile memory usage. [default: False]
  -j JOBS, --jobs JOBS  Max simultaneous processes when pre-processing
                        directories. Zero uses number of native CPUs [4]. 1
                        means no multiprocessing. [default: 0]
  -k, --keep-going      Keep going. [default: False]
  -l LOGLEVEL, --loglevel LOGLEVEL
                        Log Level (debug=10, info=20, warning=30, error=40,
                        critical=50) [default: 30]
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output directory. [default: out]
  -p                    Ignore pragma statements. [default: False]
  -r, --recursive       Recursively process directories. [default: False]
  -t, --dot             Write an DOT include dependency table and execute DOT
                        on it to create a SVG file. [default: False]
  -G                    Support GCC extensions. Currently only #include_next.
                        [default: False]
                        Add standard predefined macro definitions of the form
                        name<=definition>. They are introduced into the
                        environment before anything else. They can not be
                        redefined. __DATE__ and __TIME__ will be automatically
                        allocated in here. __FILE__ and __LINE__ are defined
                        dynamically. See ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (E) 6.10.8
                        Predefined macro names. [default: []]
  -C, --CPP             Sys call 'cpp -dM' to extract and use platform
                        specific macros. These are inserted after -S option
                        and before the -D option. [default: False]
  -D DEFINES, --define DEFINES
                        Add macro definitions of the form name<=definition>.
                        These are introduced into the environment before any
                        pre-include. [default: []]
                        Add pre-include file path, this file precedes the
                        initial translation unit. [default: []]
                        Add user include search path. [default: []]
                        Add system include search path. [default: []]


Multiprocessing: The pre-processor, and information derived from it, can only be run as a single process but writing individual source files can take advantage of multiple processes. As the latter constitutes the bulk of the time takes then using the -j option on multi-processor machines can save a lot of time.


Option Description
--version Show program’s version number and exit
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-c Even if a file is conditionally included then add it to the plot. This is experimental so use it at your own risk! [default False]
-d DUMP, --dump=DUMP Dump various outputs to stdout (see below). This option can be repeated [default: []]
-g GLOB, --glob=GLOB Pattern to use when searching directories (ignored for #includes). [default: *.*]
--heap Profile memory usage (requires guppy to be installed). [default: False]
-j JOBS, --jobs=JOBS Max processes when multiprocessing. Zero uses number of native CPUs [4]. Value of 1 disables multiprocessing. [default: 0]
-k Keep going as far as sensible, for some definition of “sensible”. [default: False]
-l LOGLEVEL, --loglevel=LOGLEVEL Log Level (debug=10, info=20, warning=30, error=40, critical=50) [default: 30]
-o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT Output directory [default: “out”]
-p Ignore pragma statements. [default: False]
-r Recursively provesses directories. [default: False]
-t, --dot Write an DOT include dependency file and execute DOT on it to create a SVG file. Requires GraphViz. [default: False]
-C , --CPP Sys call cpp -dM to extract and use platform specific macros. These are inserted after -S option and before the -D option. [default: False]
-G Support GCC extensions. Currently only #include_next. [default: False]
-I INCUSR, --usr=INCUSR Add user include search path (additive). This option can be repeated [default: []]
-J INCSYS, --sys=INCSYS Add system include search path (additive). This option can be repeated [default: []]
-S PREDEFINES, --predefine=PREDEFINES Add standard predefined macro defintions of the form name<=defintion>. These are introduced into the environment before anything else. These macros can not be redefined. __DATE__ and __TIME__ will be automatically defined. This option can be repeated [default: []]
-D DEFINES, --define=DEFINES Add macro definitions of the form name<=definition>. These are introduced into the environment before any pre-include. This option can be repeated [default: []]
-P PREINC, --pre=PREINC Add a pre-include file, this will be included before any header. This option can be repeated [default: []]

The -d option can be repeated to generate multiple text outputs on stdout:

Output Description
-d C Conditional compilation graph.
-d F File names encountered and their count.
-d I Include graph.
-d M Macro environment.
-d T Token count.
-d R Macro dependencies as an input to DOT.

Examples of these are shown below Using -d Option.


One or more paths of file(s) to be preprocessed.


Here is a simple example of processing the demo code that is in the PpLexer tutorial here: Files to Pre-Process.

Here we set:

  • l 20 sets logging to INFO
  • -o sets the output to ../../demo/output_00/
  • -C is used to get the platform specific macros.
  • -J is used to set a single system include as ../../demo/sys/
  • -I is used to set a single user include as ../../demo/usr/

We are processing ../../demo/src/main.cpp and stdout is something like this:

$ python3 -l 20 -C -o ../../demo/output_00/ -J ../../demo/sys/ -I ../../demo/usr/ ../../demo/src/main.cpp
2012-03-20 07:41:38,655 INFO     TU in HTML:
2012-03-20 07:41:38,655 INFO       ../../demo/output_00/main.cpp.html
2012-03-20 07:41:38,664 INFO     Processing TU done.
2012-03-20 07:41:38,665 INFO     Macro history to:
2012-03-20 07:41:38,665 INFO       ../../demo/output_00/main.cpp_macros.html
2012-03-20 07:41:38,668 INFO     Include graph (SVG) to:
2012-03-20 07:41:38,668 INFO       ../../demo/output_00/main.cpp.include.svg
2012-03-20 07:41:38,679 INFO     Writing include graph (TEXT) to:
2012-03-20 07:41:38,679 INFO       ../../demo/output_00/main.cpp.include.svg
2012-03-20 07:41:38,679 INFO     Writing include graph (DOT) to:
2012-03-20 07:41:38,679 INFO       ../../demo/output_00/main.cpp.include.svg
2012-03-20 07:41:38,679 INFO     Creating include Graph for DOT...
2012-03-20 07:41:38,692 INFO     dot returned 0
2012-03-20 07:41:38,693 INFO     Creating include Graph for DOT done.
2012-03-20 07:41:38,693 INFO     Conditional compilation graph in HTML:
2012-03-20 07:41:38,693 INFO       ../../demo/output_00/main.cpp.ccg.html
2012-03-20 07:41:38,698 INFO     Done: ../../demo/src/main.cpp
2012-03-20 07:41:38,698 INFO     ITU in HTML: ...\main.cpp
2012-03-20 07:41:38,708 INFO     ITU in HTML: ...\system.h
2012-03-20 07:41:38,711 INFO     ITU in HTML: ...\user.h
2012-03-20 07:41:38,716 INFO     All done.
CPU time =    0.051 (S)
Bye, bye!

In the output directory will be the HTML and SVG results.

Using -d Option

All these are using the following command where ? is replace with a letter:

$ python3 -d? -o ../../demo/output_00/ -J ../../demo/sys/ -I ../../demo/usr/ ../../demo/src/main.cpp

Multiple outputs are obtained with, for example, -dC -dF

-d C

Conditional compilation graph:

---------------------- Conditional Compilation Graph ----------------------
#ifndef __USER_H__ /* True "../../demo/usr/user.h" 1 0 */
    #ifndef __SYSTEM_H__ /* True "../../demo/sys/system.h" 1 4 */
    #endif /* True "../../demo/sys/system.h" 6 13 */
#endif /* True "../../demo/usr/user.h" 7 20 */
#if defined(LANG_SUPPORT) && defined(FRENCH) /* True "../../demo/src/main.cpp" 5 69 */
#elif defined(LANG_SUPPORT) && defined(AUSTRALIAN) /* False "../../demo/src/main.cpp" 7 110 */
#else /* False "../../demo/src/main.cpp" 9 117 */
#endif /* False "../../demo/src/main.cpp" 11 124 */
-------------------- END Conditional Compilation Graph --------------------
-d F

Files encountered and how many times processed:

------------------------ Count of files encountered -----------------------
   1  ../../demo/src/main.cpp
   1  ../../demo/sys/system.h
   1  ../../demo/usr/user.h
---------------------- END Count of files encountered ---------------------
-d I

The include graph:

------------------------------ Include Graph ------------------------------
../../demo/src/main.cpp [43, 21]:  True "" ""
000002: #include ../../demo/usr/user.h
        ../../demo/usr/user.h [10, 6]:  True "" "['"user.h"', 'CP=None', 'usr=../../demo/usr/']"
        000004: #include ../../demo/sys/system.h
                ../../demo/sys/system.h [10, 6]:  True "!def __USER_H__" "['<system.h>', 'sys=../../demo/sys/']"
---------------------------- END Include Graph ----------------------------
-d M

The macro environment and history:

---------------------- Macro Environment and History ----------------------
Macro Environment:
#define FRENCH /* ../../demo/usr/user.h#5 Ref: 1 True */
#define LANG_SUPPORT /* ../../demo/sys/system.h#4 Ref: 2 True */
#define __SYSTEM_H__ /* ../../demo/sys/system.h#2 Ref: 0 True */
#define __USER_H__ /* ../../demo/usr/user.h#2 Ref: 0 True */

Macro History (referenced macros only):
In scope:
#define FRENCH /* ../../demo/usr/user.h#5 Ref: 1 True */
    ../../demo/src/main.cpp 5 38
#define LANG_SUPPORT /* ../../demo/sys/system.h#4 Ref: 2 True */
    ../../demo/src/main.cpp 5 13
    ../../demo/src/main.cpp 7 15
-------------------- END Macro Environment and History --------------------
-d T

The token count:

------------------------------- Token count -------------------------------
       0  header-name
       8  identifier
       1  pp-number
       0  character-literal
       1  string-literal
      11  preprocessing-op-or-punc
       0  non-whitespace
      11  whitespace
       0  concat
      32  TOTAL
----------------------------- END Token count -----------------------------


As is written in Python it is pretty slow, far slower than gcc or clang. Internally in cpip there are some fairly agressive integrity checks such as _assertDefineMapIntegrity() in cpip.core.MacroEnv.MacroEnv. These integrity checks are invoked as asserts, for example:


So that they can be turned off by using optimisation level 1.


$ python3 -O ...

And cpipmain:

$ PYTHONOPTIMIZE=1 cpipmain ...

This optimisation can reduce the execution time by around 30%.