
Writes out the Cpp Conditional processing graph as HTML.

class cpip.CppCondGraphToHtml.CcgVisitorToHtml(theHtmlStream)

Writing CppCondGraph visitor object.

visitPost(theCcgNode, theDepth)

Post-traversal call with a CppCondGraphNode and the integer depth in the tree.

visitPre(theCcgNode, theDepth)

Pre-traversal call with a CppCondGraphNode and the integer depth in the tree.

cpip.CppCondGraphToHtml.processCppCondGrphToHtml(theLex, theHtmlPath, theTitle, theIdxPath)

Given the PpLexer write out the Cpp Cond Graph to the HTML file. theLex is a PpLexer. theHtmlPath is the file path of the output. theTitle is the page title. theIdxPath is the file name of the index page. theTuIndexer is a TuIndexer.TuIndexer object.