
Various classes for use by the preprocessor for keeping track of the location in a set of files.

This consists of three related classes:


This low-level class maintains and internal theoretical relationship between the logical position in a string and the physical position. These differ when physical characters are replaced by logical ones.

This is not usually used directly by other modules.


This consists of a stack of one or more LogicalPhysicalLineMap objects each of which represents a phase of translation. This understands what it means to replace a trigraph or encounter a line continuation phrase.

Typically this is used by a cpip.core.PpTokensiser.PpTokeniser.


This consists of a stack of one or more FileLocation objects each of which represents an ITU or included file. Conceptually this is a table of columns (each a FileLocation object) and cells (each a LogicalPhysicalLineMap). The public API gives access to the ‘current’ LogicalPhysicalLineMap i.e. the top right one in the table. The public API allows pushing (adding a column when a file is #include’d) and popping (removing the last column at the end of #include processing).

Typically this is used by a cpip.core.PpLexer.PpLexer.

Using line continuation in LogicalPhysicalLineMap:

class FileLocation needs to poke the underlying LogicalPhysicalLineMap in the right way...

This is accomplished by calling from class FileLocation the underlying LogicalPhysicalLineMap._addToIr()

This makes calls occur in N pairs.

N = The number of ‘n’ phrases.

L(n) is the length of the physical line n (0 <= n < N) not including the ‘n’

Make N calls to _addIr(...)

NOTE: The use of 1+ and -1* here _addToIr(theLogicalLine=a, theLogicalCol=1+b, dLine=c, dColumn=-1*d)


a(n) = The current logical line number (starting at 1), constant for the group
b(n) = Sigma[L(n) for 0...n)]
c(n) = 1
d(n) = L(n)


myPstrS = ['abc\n', '\n', 'd\n', 'ef\n',]
N = 3
L(n) -> (3, 0, 1)
a = 1, c = 1
(b, d)
(3, 3)
(3, 0)
(4, 1)

myPstrS = ['abc\n', 'd\n', '\n', 'ef\n',]
N = 3
L(n) -> (3, 1, 0)
a = 1, c = 1
(b, d)
(3, 3)
(4, 1)
(4, 0)

myPstrS = ['ab\n', 'c\n', 'd\n', 'ef\n',]
N = 3
L(n) -> (2, 1, 1)
a = 1, c = 1
(b, d)
(2, 2)
(3, 1)
(4, 1)

The second call of the pair is as follows, this needs to know N so has to be done after all first-of-pair calls:

_addToIr(theLogicalLine=d, theLogicalCol=1, dLine=e, dColumn=f)


d = n+2 where n is the number of the '\n' in the group starting at 0
e = N-n-1 where N is the total number of '\n' in the group.
f = Length of the last physical line spliced, not including the '\n'


for n in range(N):
    myLplm._addToIr(theLogicalLine=n+2, theLogicalCol=1, dLine=N-n-1, dColumn=f)

In all the examples above f = 2

exception cpip.core.FileLocation.ExceptionFileLocation

Simple specialisation of an exception class for the FileLocation classes.

class cpip.core.FileLocation.FileLine(fileId, lineNum)

Simple PODs for file location for anyone that wants to use them


Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.

static __new__(_cls, fileId, lineNum)

Create new instance of FileLine(fileId, lineNum)


Return a nicely formatted representation string


Return a new OrderedDict which maps field names to their values.

classmethod _make(iterable, new=<built-in method __new__ of type object at 0xa385c0>, len=<built-in function len>)

Make a new FileLine object from a sequence or iterable

_replace(_self, **kwds)

Return a new FileLine object replacing specified fields with new values


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1

class cpip.core.FileLocation.FileLineCol(fileId, lineNum, colNum)

Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.

static __new__(_cls, fileId, lineNum, colNum)

Create new instance of FileLineCol(fileId, lineNum, colNum)


Return a nicely formatted representation string


Return a new OrderedDict which maps field names to their values.

classmethod _make(iterable, new=<built-in method __new__ of type object at 0xa385c0>, len=<built-in function len>)

Make a new FileLineCol object from a sequence or iterable

_replace(_self, **kwds)

Return a new FileLineCol object replacing specified fields with new values


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1

class cpip.core.FileLocation.FileLocation(theFileName)

Class that persists the line/column location in a source file. This also handles various passes of the same file for the PpTokeniser.


Initialise with a file name (actually an ID)

NOTE: We do not check for it’s existence as we are not allied to the file system (we could get the files from a database instead.

Parameters:theFileName (NoneType, str) – File ID for example the file path.

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

Returns:int – Column number.

Return an instance of FileLineCol from the current settings.

Returns:cpip.core.FileLocation.FileLineCol([str, int, int]) – File location.
Returns:str – <insert documentation for return values>

Increment the column by num. There is no range check on num.

Parameters:num (int) – Amount to increment, default 1.

Increment the line by num. There is no range check on num.

Parameters:num (int) – Amount to increment, default 1.

Returns the current line and column number as a pair.

Returns:int – Line number.

The number of line splices in the current splice group.


Return the current top level LogicalPhysicalLineMap Read Only instance.

logicalToPhysical(theLline, theLcol)

Returns the physical line and column number for a logical line and column.

  • theLline (int) – Logical line number.
  • theLcol (int) – Logical column number.

tuple([int, int]) – Physical line and column.


Returns the current physical line and column number.

Returns:tuple([int, int]) – Location.
pformatLogicalToPhysical(theLfile, thePfile)

Given a logical and a physical representation this goes through character by both character, pretty formats the comparison and returns the formatted string.

Returns:int – Column number.
Returns:int – Line number.

Returns the value of __FILE__ or __LINE__. Applies ISO/IEC 14882:1998(E) 16 Predefined macro names [cpp.predefined] note 2 May raise ExceptionFileLocation if theName is something else.


Records that a trigraph has be substituted at the current place.


Update the line/column mapping to record a line splice.


Starts a new processing phase e.g. a translation phase. This adds a new LogicalPhysicalLineMap() to the stack.

substString(lenPhysical, lenLogical)

Records a string substitution at the current logical location. This does NOT update the current line or column, use update(...) to do that.


Increment line and column counters from a string.

Parameters:theString (str) – Source code.
class cpip.core.FileLocation.LogicalPhysicalLineMap

Class that can map logical positions (i.e. after text substitution) back to the original physical line columns. The effect of various substitutions is as follows:

Phase 1: Trigraph replacement - logical is same or smaller than physical. Phase 1: Mapping non lex.charset to universal-character-name - logical is larger than physical. Phase 2: Line splicing - if done logical is smaller that physical. Phase 3: Digraph replacement - logical is same or smaller that physical.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_addToIr(theLogicalLine, theLogicalCol, dLine, dColumn)

Adds, or updates a record to the internal representation.


Given a pair of integers that represent line/column starting at zero this returns a tuple pair of the absolute line/column.


Given a pair of integers that represent line/column starting at START_LINE, START_COLUMN this returns a tuple pair of the relative line/column i.e. starting at (0, 0).

pLineCol(lLine, lCol)

Returns the (physical line number, physical column number) from a logical line and logical column.

  • theLline (int) – Logical line number.
  • theLcol (int) – Logical column number.

tuple([int, int]) – Physical line and column.

substString(theLogicalLine, theLogicalCol, lenPhysical, lenLogical)

Records a string substitution.

cpip.core.FileLocation.START_LINE = 1

See ISO/IEC 14882:1998(E) 16.4 Line control [cpp.line] note 2 Means that lines start at 1. We also take the first column to be number 1.