CPIPMain - The main command line tool for preprocessing.

CPIPMain.py – Preprocess the file or the files in a directory.

(CPIP36) $ python src/cpip/CPIPMain.py --help
usage: CPIPMain.py [-h] [-c] [-d DUMP] [-g GLOB] [--heap] [-j JOBS] [-k]
                   [-l LOGLEVEL] [-o OUTPUT] [-p] [-r] [-t] [-G]
                   [-S PREDEFINES] [-C] [-D DEFINES] [-P PREINC] [-I INCUSR]
                   [-J INCSYS]

CPIPMain.py - Preprocess the file or the files in a directory.
  Created by Paul Ross on 2011-07-10.
  Copyright 2008-2017. All rights reserved.
  Version: v0.9.8rc0
  Licensed under GPL 2.0

positional arguments:
  path                  Path to source file or directory.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c                    Add conditionally included files to the plots.
                        [default: False]
  -d DUMP, --dump DUMP  Dump output, additive. Can be: C - Conditional
                        compilation graph. F - File names encountered and
                        their count. I - Include graph. M - Macro environment.
                        T - Token count. R - Macro dependencies as an input to
                        DOT. [default: []]
  -g GLOB, --glob GLOB  Pattern match to use when processing directories.
                        [default: []] i.e. every file.
  --heap                Profile memory usage. [default: False]
  -j JOBS, --jobs JOBS  Max simultaneous processes when pre-processing
                        directories. Zero uses number of native CPUs [4]. 1
                        means no multiprocessing. [default: 0]
  -k, --keep-going      Keep going. [default: False]
  -l LOGLEVEL, --loglevel LOGLEVEL
                        Log Level (debug=10, info=20, warning=30, error=40,
                        critical=50) [default: 30]
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output directory. [default: out]
  -p                    Ignore pragma statements. [default: False]
  -r, --recursive       Recursively process directories. [default: False]
  -t, --dot             Write an DOT include dependency table and execute DOT
                        on it to create a SVG file. [default: False]
  -G                    Support GCC extensions. Currently only #include_next.
                        [default: False]
                        Add standard predefined macro definitions of the form
                        name<=definition>. They are introduced into the
                        environment before anything else. They can not be
                        redefined. __DATE__ and __TIME__ will be automatically
                        allocated in here. __FILE__ and __LINE__ are defined
                        dynamically. See ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (E) 6.10.8
                        Predefined macro names. [default: []]
  -C, --CPP             Sys call 'cpp -dM' to extract and use platform
                        specific macros. These are inserted after -S option
                        and before the -D option. [default: False]
  -D DEFINES, --define DEFINES
                        Add macro definitions of the form name<=definition>.
                        These are introduced into the environment before any
                        pre-include. [default: []]
                        Add pre-include file path, this file precedes the
                        initial translation unit. [default: []]
                        Add user include search path. [default: []]
                        Add system include search path. [default: []]
class cpip.CPIPMain.FigVisitorDot(lenPrefix=0)

Simple visitor that collects parent/child links for plotting the graph with dot.


Treat the file name consistently.

visitGraph(theFigNode, theDepth, theLine)


class cpip.CPIPMain.FigVisitorLargestCommanPrefix

Simple visitor that walks the tree and finds the largest common file name prefix.

visitGraph(theFigNode, theDepth, theLine)

Capture the file name.

class cpip.CPIPMain.MainJobSpec(incHandler, preDefMacros, preIncFiles, diagnostic, pragmaHandler, keepGoing, conditionalLevel, dumpList, helpMap, includeDOT, cmdLine, gccExtensions)

Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.

static __new__(_cls, incHandler, preDefMacros, preIncFiles, diagnostic, pragmaHandler, keepGoing, conditionalLevel, dumpList, helpMap, includeDOT, cmdLine, gccExtensions)

Create new instance of MainJobSpec(incHandler, preDefMacros, preIncFiles, diagnostic, pragmaHandler, keepGoing, conditionalLevel, dumpList, helpMap, includeDOT, cmdLine, gccExtensions)


Return a nicely formatted representation string


Return a new OrderedDict which maps field names to their values.

classmethod _make(iterable, new=<built-in method __new__ of type object at 0xa385c0>, len=<built-in function len>)

Make a new MainJobSpec object from a sequence or iterable

_replace(_self, **kwds)

Return a new MainJobSpec object replacing specified fields with new values


Alias for field number 10


Alias for field number 6


Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 7


Alias for field number 11


Alias for field number 8


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 9


Alias for field number 5


Alias for field number 4


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 2

class cpip.CPIPMain.PpProcessResult(ituPath, indexPath, tuIndexFileName, total_files, total_lines, total_bytes)

Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.

static __new__(_cls, ituPath, indexPath, tuIndexFileName, total_files, total_lines, total_bytes)

Create new instance of PpProcessResult(ituPath, indexPath, tuIndexFileName, total_files, total_lines, total_bytes)


Return a nicely formatted representation string


Return a new OrderedDict which maps field names to their values.

classmethod _make(iterable, new=<built-in method __new__ of type object at 0xa385c0>, len=<built-in function len>)

Make a new PpProcessResult object from a sequence or iterable

_replace(_self, **kwds)

Return a new PpProcessResult object replacing specified fields with new values


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 5


Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 4


Alias for field number 2


Given a list of: PpProcessResult(ituPath, indexPath, tuIndexFileName(ituPath), total_files, total_lines, total_bytes) This prunes the commmon prefix from the ituPath.

cpip.CPIPMain._tdCallback(theS, attrs, _k, href_nav_text_file_data)

Callback function for the file count table.

  • theS (cpip.util.XmlWrite.XhtmlStream) – HTML stream.
  • attrs (dict({str : [str]})) – Attributes.
  • _k (list([str])) – <insert documentation for argument>
  • href_nav_text_file_data (tuple([str, str, tuple([int, int, int])])) – <insert documentation for argument>


cpip.CPIPMain._trThCallback(theS, theDepth)

Create the table header:

  <th class="filetable" colspan="9">File Path&nbsp;</th>
  <th class="filetable">Include Count</th>
  <th class="filetable">Lines</th>
  <th class="filetable">Bytes</th>
  <th class="filetable">Total Lines</th>
  <th class="filetable">Total Bytes</th>
  • theS (cpip.util.XmlWrite.XhtmlStream) – HTML stream.
  • theDepth (int) – <insert documentation for argument>


cpip.CPIPMain._writeCommandLineInvocationToHTML(theS, theJobSpec)

Writes the command line to the index page.

  • theS (cpip.util.XmlWrite.XhtmlStream) – HTML stream to write to.
  • theJobSpec (__main__.MainJobSpec([cpip.core.IncludeHandler.CppIncludeStdOs, dict({str : [str]}), list([_io.StringIO]), NoneType, <class 'NoneType'>, bool, int, list([]), dict({str : [tuple([<class 'bool'>, str]), tuple([<class 'list'>, str]), tuple([int, str]), tuple([list([]), str]), tuple([list([str]), str]), tuple([str, str])]}), <class 'bool'>, str, <class 'bool'>])) – Job specification.


cpip.CPIPMain._writeDirectoryIndexHTML(theInDir, theOutDir, titlePathTupleS, theJobSpec, time_start)

Writes a super index.html when a directory has been processed. titlePathTuples is a list of: PpProcessResult(ituPath, indexPath, tuIndexFileName, total_files, total_lines, total_bytes)

cpip.CPIPMain._writeIndexHtmlTrailer(theS, time_start)

Write a trailer to the index.html page with the start/finish time and version. If time_start is None then only the current time is written.

  • theS (cpip.util.XmlWrite.XhtmlStream) – HTML stream.
  • time_start (NoneType, float) – Start time.


cpip.CPIPMain._writeParagraphWithBreaks(theS, theParas)

Writes the paragraphs with page breaks.

  • theS (cpip.util.XmlWrite.XhtmlStream) – HTML stream.
  • theParas (list([str])) – Paragraphs.



Returns the path to the CCG output file.

Parameters:theItu (str) – Path to the ITU.
Returns:str – path.

Returns the path to the SVG DOT output file.

Parameters:theItu (str) – Path to the ITU.
Returns:str – path.

Returns the path to the DOT output file.

Parameters:theItu (str) – Path to the ITU.
Returns:str – path.

Returns the path to the SVG output file.

Parameters:theItu (str) – Path to the ITU.
Returns:str – path.

Returns the path to the include graph output file.

Parameters:theItu (str) – Path to the ITU.
Returns:str – path.

Processes command line to preprocess a file or a directory.

Returns:int – status, 0 is success.
cpip.CPIPMain.preProcessFilesMP(dIn, dOut, jobSpec, glob, recursive, jobs)

Multiprocessing code to preprocess directories. Returns a count of ITUs processed.

cpip.CPIPMain.preprocessDirToOutput(inDir, outDir, jobSpec, globMatch, recursive, numJobs)

Pre-process all the files in a directory. Returns a count of the TUs. This uses multiprocessing where possible. Any Exception (such as a KeyboardInterupt) will terminate this function but write out an index of what has been achieved so far.

cpip.CPIPMain.preprocessFileToOutput(ituPath, outDir, jobSpec)

Preprocess a single file. May raise ExceptionCpip (or worse!). Returns a: PpProcessResult(ituPath, indexPath, tuIndexFileName(ituPath) total_files, total_lines, total_bytes)

  • ituPath (str) – Path to the initial translation unit (ITU).
  • outDir (str) – Output directory.
  • jobSpec (__main__.MainJobSpec([cpip.core.IncludeHandler.CppIncludeStdOs, dict({}), list([_io.StringIO]), NoneType, <class 'NoneType'>, bool, int, list([]), dict({str : [tuple([<class 'bool'>, str]), tuple([<class 'list'>, str]), tuple([int, str]), tuple([list([]), str]), tuple([list([str]), str]), tuple([str, str])]}), <class 'bool'>, str, <class 'bool'>])) – Job specification.

__main__.PpProcessResult([str, str, str, int, int, int]) – Details of the result.

cpip.CPIPMain.preprocessFileToOutputNoExcept(ituPath, *args, **kwargs)

Preprocess a single file and catch all ExceptionCpip exceptions and log them.


Visits the Lexers file include graph and returns a dict of:

{file_name : (inclusion_count, line_count, bytes_count).

The line_count, bytes_count are obtained by (re)reading the file.

Parameters:theLexer (cpip.core.PpLexer.PpLexer) – The Lexer
Returns:dict({str : tuple([int, int, int])}) – The file count map.
cpip.CPIPMain.retOptionMap(theOptParser, theOpts)

Returns map of {opt_name : (value, help), ...} from the current options.

  • theOptParser (argparse.ArgumentParser) – The option parser.
  • theOpts (argparse.Namespace) – Parsed options.

dict({str : [tuple([<class 'bool'>, str]), tuple([bool, str]), tuple([int, str]), tuple([list([]), str]), tuple([list([str]), str]), tuple([str, str])]}) – Option name to value and help text.




Returns the path to the translation unit output file.

Parameters:theItu (str) – Path to the ITU.
Returns:str – path.

Returns the path to the index output file.

Parameters:theItu (str) – Path to the ITU.
Returns:str – path.
cpip.CPIPMain.writeIncludeGraphAsText(theOutDir, theItu, theLexer)

Writes out the include graph as plain text.



cpip.CPIPMain.writeIndexHtml(theItuS, theOutDir, theJobSpec, time_start, total_files, total_lines, total_bytes)

Writes the top level index.html page for a pre-processed file.

  • theItuS (list([str])) – The list of translation units processed.
  • theOutDir (str) – The output directory.
  • theJobSpec (tuple([cpip.core.IncludeHandler.CppIncludeStdOs, dict({str : [str]}), list([_io.StringIO]), NoneType, <class 'NoneType'>, bool, int, list([]), dict({str : [tuple([<class 'bool'>, str]), tuple([<class 'list'>, str]), tuple([int, str]), tuple([list([]), str]), tuple([list([str]), str]), tuple([str, str])]}), <class 'bool'>, str, <class 'bool'>])) – The job specification.
  • time_start (float) – Time that the process started.
  • total_files (int) – Total number of files processed.
  • total_lines (int) – Total number of lines processed.
  • total_bytes (int) – Total number of bytes processed.

str – The path to the index.html file that has been written.

cpip.CPIPMain.writeTuIndexHtml(theOutDir, theTuPath, theLexer, theFileCountMap, theTokenCntr, hasIncDot, macroHistoryIndexName)

Write the index.html for a single TU.

  • theOutDir (str) – The output directory to write to.
  • theTuPath (str) – The path to the original ITU.
  • theLexer (cpip.core.PpLexer.PpLexer) – The pre-processing Lexer that has pre-processed the ITU/TU.
  • theFileCountMap (dict({str : [tuple([<class 'int'>, int, int]), tuple([int, int, <class 'int'>])]})) – dict of {file_path : data, ...} where data is things like inclusion count, lines, bytes and so on.
  • theTokenCntr (cpip.core.PpTokenCount.PpTokenCount) – cpip.core.PpTokenCount.PpTokenCount containing the token counts.
  • hasIncDot (bool) – bool to emit graphviz .dot files.
  • macroHistoryIndexName (str) – String of the filename of the macro history.

tuple([int, int, int]) – (total_files, total_lines, total_bytes) as integers.

