cpp - Mimic a preprocessor

cpip.cpp – Pretends to be like cpp, Will take options and a file (or stdin) and process it.

@author: Paul Ross

@copyright: 2015-2017 Paul Ross. All rights reserved.

(CPIP36) $ python src/cpip/cpp.py --help
usage: cpp.py [-h] [-v] [-t] [-V] [-d MACROOPTIONS] -E [-S PREDEFINES] [-C]
              [-D DEFINES] [-P PREINC] [-I INCUSR] [-J INCSYS]

cpip.cpp -- Pretends to be like cpp, Will take options and a file (or stdin)

  Created by Paul Ross on 2015-01-16.
  Copyright 2015. All rights reserved.

  Licensed under the GPL License 2.0


positional arguments:
  path                  Paths to source file. If absent then stdin is
                        processed. [default: None]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         set verbosity level [default: 0]
  -t, --tokens          Show actual preprocessing tokens.
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -d MACROOPTIONS       Pre-processor options M, D and N. [default: []]
  -E                    Pre-process, required.
                        Add standard predefined macro definitions of the form
                        name<=definition>. They are introduced into the
                        environment before anything else. They can not be
                        redefined. __DATE__ and __TIME__ will be automatically
                        allocated in here. __FILE__ and __LINE__ are defined
                        dynamically. See ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (E) 6.10.8
                        Predefined macro names. [default: []]
  -C, --CPP             Sys call 'cpp -dM' to extract and use platform
                        specific macros. These are inserted after -S option
                        and before the -D option. [default: False]
  -D DEFINES, --define DEFINES
                        Add macro definitions of the form name<=definition>.
                        These are introduced into the environment before any
                        pre-include. [default: []]
                        Add pre-include file path, this file precedes the
                        initial translation unit. [default: []]
                        Add user include search path. [default: []]
                        Add system include search path. [default: []]